Widener University Commonwealth Law School Endowed Scholarships

Widener University Commonwealth Law School offers many Endowed Scholarships for you to apply for: Endowed Scholarship Applications and Information – Financial Aid – Widener Law Commonwealth

AceessLex Scholarship Databank

We searched so you don’t have to. Utilize our newest tool to find money that’s already available to help pay for law school and lower your student loan burdens. Search over 800 carefully curated and vetted scholarship opportunities and writing competitions, with filters to help you find the ones best suited for you. AccessLex Scholarship Databank

PBA Elder Law Section Diversity Scholarship Fund

The PBA Elder Law Section Diversity Scholarship Fund of the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation The PBA Elder Law Section Diversity Scholarship Fund of the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation was created to support the annual scholarship of $2,500 to no more than 2 law school students. The Fund solicits applications from law students of diverse backgrounds enrolled in any Pennsylvania accredited law school. The applicants who may be interested in the field of…

Faerie L. Angle Memorial Scholarship Fund

Faerie L. Angle was the widow of Roy S.F. Angle, Attorney-at-Law.  Her Last Will and Testament provided for the creation of a Law School Educational Trust Fund, which provides scholarships for young persons from Franklin County, Pennsylvania, studying to be lawyers. If you’re not currently in a 3-year J.D. Program, but plan to attend, click here to sign up to receive annual reminders when the application becomes available. Apply Now  (create a new…

Judge John R. Brown Scholarship Foundation 32nd Annual Brown Award

The Judge John R. Brown Scholarship Foundation is pleased to announce the thirty-second annual Brown Award. The Award honors excellence in legal writing in American law schools. Any law student currently enrolled in an accredited law school in the United States seeking a J.D. or LL.B degree is eligible to submit a paper for the Award. The amounts awarded for 2025 will be as follows: $15,000 First Place, $7,500 Second Place,…

The Andrew Flusche Law School Scholarship Contest

The Andrew Flusche Law School Scholarship Contest Award: $1000 scholarship Deadline: July 30, 2025 Law School Scholarship Contest – Andrew Flusche

Environmental and Energy Law Section Minority Scholarship

The PBA Environmental & Energy Law Section Minority Scholarship awards up to nine scholarships to law students. Emphasis is placed on applicants’ academics, volunteer experience and interests that show a commitment to working as an environmental and energy law attorney. Learn more and submit your application! Applications are due April 1.

Intellectual Property Law Section 2024 Writing Contest

The PBA Intellectual Property (IP) Law Section is holding its annual Intellectual Property Law Writing Contest. The competition is open to all law students enrolled in any law school in the United States who intend to take the Pennsylvania bar exam. The Writing Contest was established in 2004 to provide an opportunity for law students to express in writing their insight and knowledge in the areas of patents, copyrights, trademarks,…

Aaron D. Wersing Federal Employment Rights Scholarship Contest

The Law Firm of Aaron D. Wersing PLLC is now accepting applications to reward students with $1500 to put towards their education with the “Aaron D. Wersing Federal Employment Rights Scholarship Contest“. Award: $1500 scholarship Deadline: November 18, 2025 Essay Required https://fedemploymentattorneys.com/employment-discrimination-scholarship/  

The Patti Rose Scheimer Bednarik Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Patti Rose Scheimer Bednarik Memorial Scholarship Fund was created by Patti’s husband Joseph Bednarik, Esq. to support the annual award of a scholarship to a law school student who pursues an interest in animal welfare as part of his/her daily activities and legal training or grant to a young lawyer who pursues an interest in animal welfare as part of his/her daily activities or law practice. The maximum annual…

Contact Information

Financial Aid Office

Widener University
Commonwealth Law School
Administration Building
3737 Vartan Way
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Email: [email protected]

Financial Aid Office Hours:

Monday–Thursday 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.,
Friday 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

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