Your Role as an Advisor
Welcome to our online resource site for all individuals who formally or informally advise, mentor, and coach chapters within our community. Here you will find materials distributed at Fraternity/Sorority Advisor Round Table Meetings, educational resources, and other materials designed to enhance advising at the University.
The Role of the Advisor
The following is a list of some things that begin to define the role of advisor:
- Serve as a sounding board off of which students can bounce new ideas
- Support the group
- Intervene in conflicts between group members and/or officers when necessary
- Be knowledgeable of policies that may impact the organization’s decisions, programs, etc.
- Provide continuity and stability as student leadership changes
- Provide an outside view or perspective
- Provide student groups with university and community connections
Benefits and Responsibilities Of Advising
The organization/advisor relationship benefits not only the organization and students, but the advisor as well. Becoming involved with a student organization offers:
- A unique opportunity to get to know and work with students outside of the classroom or office
- The reward of watching the group develop to its fullest potential
- The reward of watching students develop their individual skills and talents
- The chance to informally share your knowledge and expertise on relevant topics
- An opportunity to feel satisfaction and accomplishment through making a special contribution to a particular group of students
- The chance for service to students, the university, and the larger community