Intern Teaching

For those enrolled in the Teacher Intern Program, intern teaching is a full-year, two semester experience completed at the student’s school of employment. With approval from school of employment, intern teachers will be able to continue in their current position while being observed and mentored by a Widener University Supervisor.  Upon satisfactory completion of 12-15 credits and the passing of all appropriate licensure tests, qualifying students are instructed to complete an intern teaching application.

Intern teaching placements will need to be approved by The Director of Teacher Education and Certification. Placements will be approved based on school location, position relevance specific to the students certification area, and supervisor availability and location. To participate in Intern Teaching, students must be gainfully employed at least 60 days prior to the first intern teaching semester and maintain employment throughout their intern teaching experience.

Keep in mind that students are not permitted to request placements or communicate on behalf of the OTEC at anytime. Failure to comply to this directive may result in removal from student teaching. 

Deadlines for Intern Teaching Applications are as follows:

Student Teaching Semester Date
Fall  July 1st (prior to first semester of intern teaching)
Summer April 1st (prior to first semester of intern teaching)
Spring November 1st (prior to first semester of intern teaching)
*Summer placements are only permitted under special circumstances and at the discretion of The Director of Teacher Education and Certification.*

Students should review the Student Teaching Handbook during the application process and communicate any questions to the OTEC either before or when they submit their application for review. Please be sure to complete all parts of the application and submit them to the OTEC Administrative Support Specialist by the provided deadlines above.

Student Teaching Handbook
Intern Teaching Application
PDE Teacher Intern Certification Programs