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Job Searching Tools
Handshake is a premier recruiting and career management platform for Widener students and alumni. Students can connect easily with employers, apply for jobs and internships, and register for events. Employers can use Handshake to identify qualified candidates and manage on campus recruiting at Widener.
Looking for a flexible part time job opportunity while you’re in school like babysitting, tutoring, office work, yard work or party help? Use QuadJobs!
Students: Create a free account here to get started! Household/Business Employers: Post a job here to get hire a student!
Quadjobs connects students with opportunities communities surrounding campus – and beyond. The list of opportunities are endless!
Interviewing Tool
Conquer your nerves and earn your dream job by using Big Interview. Whether this is your shot to work at your dream company, attend your favorite graduate program, or if you are tired of going on dozens of interviews but never getting job offers, you can use Big Interview to help you prepare and practice industry specific interview strategies and techniques.
To learn more about how to access and use Big Interview watch the Big Interview Video Series