Employee Technology FAQs
Explore our frequently asked questions for information about technology as an employee at Widener University. If you are looking for general employment information, visit the Human Resources webpage (log in required).
Click each question to learn more.
Technology Support Available
Is technology support available 24/7?
Yes! If you are having any issues with your computer, software, or internet, Widener provides 24/7 technology support available by phone or our online ticketing system called QuickTicket. We also offer 24/7 Canvas support available from within the Canvas website.
Can I get technology support in-person?
Yes! Each campus offers in-person technology support.
- Chester: In-person technology support is available at the Technology Support Center (TSC), located on the main floor of Wolfgram Memorial Library. Check the TSC Website for hours as they vary by semester.
- Delaware: In-person technology support is available on the first floor of the Main Law Building off the Main Street Atrium, 9am-5pm Monday through Thursday.
- Harrisburg: In-person technology support is available on the second floor of the Library Building in rooms 211 and 212, 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday through Friday.
What if I just need to reset my password?
To keep password issues quick and easy, we offer a password self-service portal so you can manage and reset your own password. Visit our Password Self-Service portal.
What if I need assistance with classroom technology while teaching?
If you are in need of technology support while in a classroom, whether for class or an event, you can call Client Experience on your campus for assistance or fill out a QuickTicket.
- Chester: 610-499-4090
- Delaware: 302-477-2221
- Commonwealth: 717-541-1979
What if I need technology assistance with hosting an event on campus or over Zoom?
If you hosting an event and need technology support in preparation for your event, you can fill out a QuickTicket to request specific technology or assistance. If you need assistance during the event, call Client Experience for your campus.
- Chester: 610-499-4090
- Delaware: 302-477-2221
- Commonwealth: 717-541-1927
Widener Devices (Asset Management)
I’m brand new to Widener. How can I make sure I have the technology I need?
All full time employees (both faculty and staff) will receive a Widener-issued laptop package, also known as an asset, for use while employed with us. The equipment you are provided will vary based on your role with the university. Communicate with your supervisor if you have specific needs beyond what is provided.
What software will I have access to?
All Widener devices come with Microsoft Office desktop apps installed as well as Zoom. Licenses to specific software related to your role may be issued to you. Communicate with your supervisor regarding any software or platforms you may have access to or need.
How often will my device get replaced?
You will be eligible for a new device every four years. You will be notified by our Client Experience team when you are eligible along with directions for completing this process.
Can I purchase my device when it’s at the end of its cycle?
No, Widener does not offer any university devices to be purchased.
Are there any discounts available for purchasing my own technology?
Yes! If you need any personal technology or are interested in purchasing additional accessories, explore all discount offers for potentially hundreds of dollars of savings.
Are there accessibility features available on my device?
Yes! Both PC and Apple devices include built in accessibility features for improving your digital experience. Microsoft also includes built in accessibility features in their products. Learn more about these features and how they can be used.
Internet Access
Where is wireless internet available on campus?
High-bandwidth Wi-Fi is available across campus, in all building and residence halls, as well as many outdoor spaces. Learn more about our wireless network options.
Is the wireless internet secure?
Yes! Widener University takes the security of your devices and data seriously. For security purposes, Widener requires that all devices be registered in order to connect. Learn more about our wireless network or if you need assistance with registering a device, fill out a QuickTicket.
Will I need access to VPN?
VPN stands for virtual private network and allows you to connect to Widener’s network remotely if you are not on campus. Certain platforms such as Colleague, may require the use of VPN while not on campus. You can confirm with your supervisor whether you will need VPN and fill out a QuickTicket for access.
Productivity Tools
How do I access my Widener e-mail?
Your Widener e-mail is accessible through Microsoft Outlook.
- Website – outlook.office.com
- Desktop app – Download Microsoft Office Products
- Mobile app – visit your device’s App Store and search for Microsoft Outlook
Downloading the mobile app is not a requirement although some choose to utilize it for convenience. For assistance with Microsoft products, fill out a QuickTicket.
How do I make phone calls if I don’t have a desk phone?
Most employees will be assigned a Widener phone number/extension. Some employees will have an office phone, although many others may be utilizing Teams Voice for phone communication. This is a feature built directly into Microsoft Teams for your Widener phone number to redirect to your Teams app. For assistance with either your physical phone or Microsoft Teams, fill out a QuickTicket.
What does Widener use for video conferencing?
All employees and students are provided with a Zoom account through their Widener credentials. Zoom is typically used for larger meetings, if you are teaching synchronous online courses, or holding virtual office hours. Microsoft Teams is also utilized as an online chat or video conferencing platform. This is often used for quick text communication or audio/video calls. For assistance with either Zoom or Microsoft Teams, fill out a QuickTicket.
How can I get training on any specific software or tools?
Training is available for any of the software or tools used by Widener University including Microsoft products, Canvas, Foxit, etc.
- Professional Development – CX and TLT offer periodic trainings on the software and tools used at Widener. Keep an eye on our upcoming events.
- LinkedIn Learning – For training at your own pace, you can access videos and courses on LinkedIn Learning with your Widener credentials.
- You can also request training through either the Client Experience (CX) team by filling out a QuickTicket or through the Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) team by filling out a TLT Service Request to request training.
Teaching Tools
What learning management system does Widener use?
Widener uses Canvas as the learning management system for courses. All courses will have an associated Canvas course, whether the course is in-person or online. For 24/7 Canvas assistance, access resources and support options by clicking the question mark icon in the bottom right corner of your Canvas pages.
Am I able to get training on how to build my courses in Canvas?
Widener has a Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) team that is available to assist with course design and utilizing Canvas. You can access TLT’s Sharepoint site (log in required) for resources, connect with them by e-mailing [email protected] or filling out a TLT Service Request.
Are there any educational technology tools we have access to?
Widener’s Canvas platform includes the use of Canvas Studio for recording and storing video. We also provide licenses for Poll Everywhere, an interactive live polling tool, and Hypothesis, a social annotation tool. There are also educational tools built into your Microsoft account including OneNote, Microsoft Whiteboard, and more!
Important Employee Information & Links
How can I access and search for Widener related information?
Our information portal called myWidener is where you can access employment related information like payroll and tax information, and as well as academic schedules and grading. This will be your go-to website for all Widener related information. For assistance with myWidener, fill out a QuickTicket.
Are there specific mobile apps that are helpful?
While there are no required apps for your mobile device, there are some that come highly recommended for an improved Widener experience.
- Microsoft Outlook: Access your Widener e-mail from your mobile device so you do not miss important communications.
- Microsoft Authenticator: An easier approach to multi-factor authentication than getting texts or phone calls. Get into your account quicker while off campus with the Authenticator app.
- Microsoft Teams: If your team or department frequently uses Teams, having the app on your phone allows you to see messages if you are walking across campus, or not at your computer. Note, it is never expected to read or respond to messages outside your working hours unless specified for your role.
- GrubHub: Need to purchase lunch? Our retail dining options on campus offer mobile ordering solutions through the GrubHub app.