Leaving the University: Account, Data, & Devices
Whether you are graduating, retiring, concluding, or pausing your time with the university, we hope you have enjoyed your experience and you will always be part of the Widener Pride. As you prepare to leave, it’s important to make sure you have everything you need from your account and Widener devices.
Click each for details.
Access to Your Widener Account
Your Widener account includes your Widener e-mail, Microsoft account, and Canvas access.
What if I have concluded my academic career with Widener?
Your account will remain active for 3 major semesters (fall/spring), approximately 18 months. The only change to your account will be that upon graduation, alumni will no longer be able to download the Microsoft desktop applications.
What if I am taking a leave of absence under 18 months?
Your account will remain active through the duration of your leave to ensure a smooth return.
What if I am leaving Widener (no emeritus status)?
Your account will be deactivated on your final day of employment. It is important to review the measures below to save any materials you may need prior to your departure.
What if I am retiring with emeritus status?
If you are retiring with emeritus status, please make sure you have advised HR. You will have continued access to your Widener account with an Alumni license. This includes access to Microsoft web products (you will not be able to download the desktop applications) and OneDrive with reduced storage of 100GB. Please note that you will no longer have access to Teams for file sharing.
What if I am leaving my full-time position but staying in a different capacity (adjunct, student, switching departments)?
If you are leaving your full-time position but remaining in a different capacity such as an adjunct, part-time employee, or student, please make sure you have advised HR. If you are taking courses, a student account will be created for you. If you are moving into a new role at the university and it is determined by HR and your supervisor that you may not continue to access your old M365 account (including e-mail and OneDrive), a new one will be created for you with the appropriate access. Keep in mind, this will be a new account and your previous e-mail will no longer be active.
How do I know what my account access will look like if I stay in another role?
Review the following decision tree for additional details regarding your account access in a different role.
Prepare Your Account For Deactivation
What happens with my e-mail?
When your e-mail is deactivated, you will no longer be able to access it, whether on a computer or on a mobile device. If you have e-mails or attachments you need to save, forward them to a personal e-mail address. If you utilize an auto-reply, it will only send until your account is deactivated.
What can I do with any personal files on my OneDrive?
If there are any files on your Widener OneDrive that you need continued access to, you can transfer the files to another personal cloud service such as a personal OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. It is recommended that you not use a thumb drive. You may not transfer any Widener information or data to personal storage accounts.
What happens to any shared files or folders in OneDrive?
Your OneDrive files are no longer accessible once your account has been deactivated. If you have files or folders shared with others, communicate that they will need to create a copy to their own OneDrive if they need continued access.
What if I am the owner of a Microsoft team or group?
If you are the owner of any Microsoft teams or groups, you will need to transfer ownership. Assign another member of the team or group to “owner” status.
Transfer ownership in Microsoft 365 (scroll to “Add more owners”)
Transfer ownership in Microsoft Teams
What happens to my recurring meetings?
Any recurring meetings you have scheduled will no longer be accessible after your account has been deactivated. Please discuss any recurring meetings that reside in your calendar, as they will need to be recreated.
Employees with a Widener Device
You will need to return all technology assets (any computers and accessories) supplied to you by the university on or before your last day of employment.
How do I return my technology?
All technology should be returned to the Technology Support Center (TSC) in Wolfgram Memorial Library during TSC business hours. If you are unable to drop off your equipment at the TSC, please make arrangements with the Client Experience team for an alternative return method by reaching out to [email protected] or filling out a QuickTicket.
How can I prepare my device?
Please clear any personal information off of your computer(s) before turning them in. You can move your personal documents over to a personal cloud service such as a personal OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc. Reach out to the CX team if needed.
Am I able to purchase my Widener device?
No, we do not offer our devices for purchase by any faculty or staff.