Computers, Software, and Hardware


The purpose of the Widener University ITS equipment purchasing policy and Asset Management program is to provide cost-effective standards for all computer hardware, software, mobile devices, printers, storage, servers, and other services for the University. These standards allow ITS to leverage economies, streamline operations, minimize down-time and provide for a higher quality services.

Purchasing computers, software, and other technology for Widener use is done through ITS Purchasing. Computers, electronic and other equipment, supplies, and all other technology purchases must be handled through the University Purchasing Department and/or the ITS Department. Any exceptions must be approved by the appropriate Vice President in advance of the purchase. Any unapproved technology purchases are not eligible for reimbursement.  

Equipment replacement requests are evaluated by the ITS CX Team. Our Asset Management program means eligible computers are normally replaced on a 4-year cycle. If you are not sure of an asset’s status for Asset Management, you can inquire with the ITS CX Team.

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