Wireless (Wi-Fi) Network Access

Wi-Fi network connectivity provides high-bandwidth, high-availability campus wireless connectivity to the Internet and other online services from all campus locations. For security reasons, Widener University has implemented a solution to protect your electronic devices from other devices that might not be secure. Every device you connect to the Wireless Network or Residence Hall Wired Network must be registered for compliance purposes.

There are multiple wireless networks at Widener. Each wireless network has its own name (SSID):

  • WU-SECURE is for Faculty, Staff, and Students outside of the dorms. Widener can be accessed in all the buildings on each campus.
  • WU-OPEN-GAME-STREAM is used to connect gaming systems.
  • WU-SECURE-RESNET is only for use in the Chester campus dorms.
  • WUGUEST is for Widener guests and visitors.
  • Eduroam is for Students, Faculty, and Staff from other Eduroam institutions. They can connect to Widener’s Eduroam network with their home institution’s email address and login credentials.
  • WPCS is only for use at the Widener Partnership Charter School.

Who can request service:
Members of the Widener University community including Students, Faculty and Staff.
For further assistance please contact the CX Team for your campus: Chester, Delaware, or Harrisburg. (Edit contact information as needed)